Minescape Wiki

< Clue scroll


This page documents all the answers to clues that can be obtained from easy clue scrolls. There are seven different types of clue that can be completed to receive rewards, many of which will be rare items unobtainable any other way.

Upon completion of an Easy clue, the player is awarded 500xp in ExplorationExploration.

Obtaining Easy clues[]


Raw anchovies, Raw trout, Raw salmon


It is suggested to have the following levels and equipment to be able to complete all the possible easy clues.

Skill requirements
Requirement Clue with this requirement Notes
Level 15 Exploration Exploration All easy clues
Item requirements
Item Purpose


Spade Needed to dig up map and hot and cold clues

Recommended gear[]

Recommended items
Item Purpose

Speed potion

Speed potions Any speed potion to get around faster. Super speed potion or extreme speed potion are preferred.

Law rune

Teleport runes Teleport runes for faster travel. An alternative is to use teleport tablets as they require no magic level to use.
Games necklace
Teleport jewelry Games necklace Games necklace, Skills necklace Skills necklace, Amulet of glory Amulet of glory, Ring of dueling Ring of dueling
Cooking skillcape worn
Skillcapes Any skillcape that grant teleports are highly useful.

Cooked shrimp

Food Food to recover health for hot and cold clues and aggressive mob attacks if doing clues at low level.

Bronze bar

Item request items Some tens of each of the items that may be required for item request clues in noted form.

Types of clues[]

Chest clues[]

Riddle Location Location Image
.snoiprcs esoht etah I Al-Kharid Mine against to north side mountain wall. (-120 / 64 / -155)
Clue chest easy solution scorpions
A path of gold leads to my royal spot. Al-Kharid palace's throne. (-124 / 64 / 383)
Clue chest easy solution a path of gold
A shallow pool on the outer edge, like paradise, with tropical tree. Small oasis north east of Al-Kharid Mine. (-29 / 64 / -129)
Clue chest easy solution shallow pool
A white curtain covers the west, but I stay loyal next to bed. Janet's bedroom in Al-Kharid. (-54 / 64 / 249)
Clue chest easy solution janet's bedroom
As I provide the meals of many, an oven will make it ready. A breeze shall keep me spinning. Lumbridge windmill, top floor. (-517 / 64 / -93)
Clue chest easy solution lumbridge windmill
Day and night I watch players collecting Flax, as I sit in the middle amongst the stones. Lumbridge Flax field inside a rock. (-478 / 71 / -58)
Clue chest easy solution lumbridge flax field
How did I end up here? All I can see is sun, hot sand and an agility master. By the Al-Kharid Agility master. (-55 / 64 / 277)
Clue chest easy solution al-kharid agility master
I am over 65 million years old. Under large skeleton's skull behind Al-Kharid's palace. (-163 / 64 / 395)
Clue chest easy solution million years old
I overlook how man slaughter man. On the other side the sand, so peaceful and fair. On Al-Kharid Duel Arena's wall. (124 / 77 / 175)
Clue chest easy solution overlook slaughter
Rotting away in a cell, I watch the souls perish of the crooked. Draynor Village jail. (-646 / 64 / 93)
Clue chest easy solution draynor jail
Standing alone next to a gate, waiting to access the open dry. Al-Kharid's Shantay Pass, near the desert gateway. (-74 / 64 / 460)
Clue chest easy solution open dry
Standing near a statue of a man wearing blue. On the bridge leading to Wizards' Tower. (-634 / 72 / 289)
Clue chest easy solution man wearing blue
This tree has fallen, making a bridge for Veronica to cross. Under a tree that has fallen over the stream in front of Draynor Manor. (-600 / 64 / -115)
Clue chest easy solution draynor manor fallen tree
Turtle turtle in the river, turtle turtle now you're stuck. Small island next the bridge at the Champions Guild. (-494 / 64 / -216)
Clue chest easy solution turtle turtle
What are these floating magical boxes around me? Wizard's circle, south of Varrock. (-323 / 64 / -278)
Clue chest easy solution wizard circle

Hot and cold clues[]

Location Coordinates Image
Among the trees near Draynor Manor's fallen tree. -639 / 70 / -87
Clue hotcold easy solution near draynor manor
At the Al-Kharid oasis. -119 / 71 / 86
Clue hotcold easy solution al-kharid oasis
Near Maria's house in Draynor Village. -694 / 69 / 2
Clue hotcold easy solution maria house
In Al-Kharid, next to a general store. -84 / 64 / 249
Clue hotcold easy solution al-kharid general store
In Lumbridge hard Agility course. -437 / 73 / -135
Clue hotcold easy solution Lumbridge agility
In Lumbridge cemetery's large tomb. -263 / 71 / 250
Clue hotcold easy solution lumbridge cemetary tomb
Infront of Janet's house in Al-Kharid. -79 / 69 / 242
Clue hotcold easy solution janet's house
Near Tin ore rocks in north eastern Al-Kharid Mine. -94 / 69 / 176
Clue hotcold easy solution al-kharid tin rocks
Just north of Lumbridge. -339 / 70 / 14
Clue hotcold easy solution north lumbridge
In Lumbridge's barn yard. -564 / 69 / -74
Clue hotcold easy solution lumbridge bard yard
Near a haybale, north of Lumbridge's easy Agility course. -542 / 71 / -176
Clue hotcold easy solution lumbridge agility haybale
North of a crossroad south of Varrock. -285 / 69 / -173
Clue hotcold easy solution lumbridge varrock crossroads
On a small patch of grass in the river, near Champions Guild bridge. -493 / 68 / -204
Clue hotcold easy solution river grass patch
In the middle of a Flax field, near Champions Guild. -364 / 64 / -215
Clue hotcold easy solution champions guild flax field
Next to a pond in sheep pen, south of Varrock. -218 / 70 / -221
Clue hotcold easy solution varrock sheep pen
Next to a red marquee infront of Al-Kharid Duel Arena. -48 / 71 / 135
Clue hotcold easy solution duel arena red tent

Map clues[]

Map Location Location Image
Clue map easy lumbridge carrot field
Lumbridge's carrot field.(-563 / 67 / 0) Clue map easy solution lumbridge carrot field
Clue map easy lumbridge river
Between the three trees, next to the Lumbridge river shortcut (-386 / 70 / -105) Clue map easy solution lumbridge agility shortcut
Clue map easy draynor jail
Next to the Draynor Village jail by the sewer entrance. (-649 / 72 / 108) Clue map easy solution draynor jail
Clue map easy varrock south ruins
In the fenced, ruined building between Lumbridge and Varrock.(-290 / 72 / -234) Clue map easy solution varrock south ruins
Clue map easy varrock park bridge
Varrock park by the bridge. (-32 / 69 / -326) Clue map easy solution varrock park bridge


Easy beacon clues always have two beacons. Possible beacons in easy clues are Lumbridge, Lumbridge Swamp, Al-Kharid, Wizards' Tower, Draynor Village, Draynor Manor, Varrock, Varrock Museum, Edgeville Monastery and Edgeville Dungeon beacons. See beacons for more information.

Beacon Abbreviation Location
Al-Kharid Al- -115 / 70 / 280
Arandar -3045 / 80 / -115
Ardougne's Monastery -2270 / 80 / 195
Barbarian Village Ba- -780 / 70 / -405
Burgh de Rott Bu- 425 / 75 / 220
Burthorpe Bur -1250 / 80 / -955
Brimhaven Bri -1630 / 65 / 250
Brimhaven Dungeon Br- -1810 / 85 / 390
Camelot Cam -1670 / 60 / -710
Canifis Can 515 / 70 / -665
Castle Wars -2780 / 75 / 575
Catherby Cat -1520 / 70 / -525
Corsair Cove -2395 / 70 / 1315
Crandor Cra -1505 / 100 / -10
Dark Wizard Tower Da- -1310 / 110 / -180
Draynor Manor Dr- -725 / 70 / -225
Dragon Spire Drag -900 / 100 / -1900
Draynor Village Dray -730 / 70 / 55
Eagles' Peak -3130 / 100 / -670
East Ardougne -2095 / 75 / -100
Edgeville Dungeon Ed-D -615 / 55 / -660
Edgeville Monastery Ed-M -850 / 70 / -640
Falador Fal -1085 / 70 / -180
Fight Arena -2295 / 75 / 355
Giants' Plateau Gi- 87 / 105 / 396
Goblin Village Go- -1145 / 60 / -680
Grand Tree -2700 / 80 / -660
Gu'Tanoth -2545 / 85 / 785
Gwenith -3545 / 70 / -445
Ice Cave Ic- -1045 / 25 / 385
Karamja Kar -1365 / 70 / 305
Kharidian Desert Kh- 20 / 75 / 30
Jatizso -2905 / 90 / -1575
Lletya -3095 / 75 / 325
Lumbridge Swamp Lu- -510 / 75 / 270
Lumbridge Lum -320 / 85 / 165
Monastery -2270 / 80 / 195
Mos Le'harmless 1515 / 70 / 940
Nardah 320 / 70 / 1135
Neitiznot -2930 / 90 / -1575
Mort'ton Mor 515 / 70 / -115
Piscatoris Fishing Colony -3080 / 70 / -1290
Poison Waste -3355 / 75 / 485
Pollnivneach 95 / 70 / 950
Port Khazard -2145 / 75 / 370
Port Phasmatys 1075 / 75 / -570
Port Sarim Po- -895 / 90 / 130
Prifddinas -3415 / 85 / -165
Rellekka Rel -2070 / 85 / -1145
Rimmington Rim -1150 / 70 / 295
Ruins of Uzer 465 / 70 / 570
Seers' Village Se- -1910 / 75 / -630
Shilo Village -1500 / 70 / 870
Slayer Tower Sl- 315 / 100 / -840
Slepe 1185 / 70 / -130
Sophanem -105 / 85 / 1570
Tai Bwo Wannai -1670 / 75 / 645
Taverley Dungeon Ta-D -1275 / 50 / -395
Taverley Maze Ta-M -1465 / 50 / -545
Taverley Tav -1295 / 80 / -685
Trollheim Tro -1300 / 140 / -1230
Varrock Museum Va-M -240 / 70 / -520
Varrock Sewers Va-S -240 / 55 / -675
Varrock Var -445 / 70 / -405
Waterbirth Island -2520 / 75 / -1365
West Ardougne -2505 / 75 / -95
Wilderness Dark Warrior's fortress Wi-D -935 / 80 / -1085
Wilderness Mage Arena Wi-M -700 / 85 / -2025
Wilderness Pirate Hideout Wi-P -940 / 70 / -2065
Wilderness Rogue Castle Wi-R -105 / 90 / -2025
Wizards' Tower Wi-T -655 / 85 / 365
Wilderness Volcano Wi-V -575 / 215 / -1295
Witchaven -1865 / 70 / -25
Yanille -2355 / 70 / 590


The amounts for rewards may be inaccurate.

Common rewards[]




Unique rewards[]


  • No image Guthix robes
  • No image Saradomin robes
  • No image Zamorak robes
  • No image Zaros robes
  • No image Bandos robes
  • No image Armadyl robes



Trimmed equipment[]

  • No image Gold Trimmed monk robes
  • No image (Gold) trimmed bronze chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed bronze plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed iron chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed iron plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed steel chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed steel plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed black chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed black plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed blue wizard armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed black wizard armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed leather armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed studded leather armour
  • No image Black heraldic armour
  • No image Black heraldic shield
  • No image Trimmed amulet of magic
  • No image Trimmed amulet of power
  • No image Gold trimmed oak shield