Minescape Wiki

< Clue scroll


This page contains documented findings on each clue at this tier of difficulty. There are 6 different types of clue that can be completed to receive rewards, many of which will be rare items unobtainable any other way.

Upon completion of a Medium clue, the player is awarded 750xp in Exploration.

Obtaining Medium clues[]


Potato, Beetroot


Raw tuna, Raw lobster, Raw bass


Maple log


It is suggested to have the following levels and equipment to be able to complete all the possible medium clues.

Skill Required level Clue with this requirement
Herblore 20 Super strength potion
Herblore 35 Alliuminati
Fletching 30 Teak shield
Fletching 40 Pine bow
Woodcutting 40 Teak shield (ironman only)
Woodcutting 55 Pine bow (ironman only)
Farming 30 Carrot
Farming 40 Beetroot
Mining 35 Coal ore
Mining 40 Gold ore
Cooking 35 Cooked tuna
Fishing 35 Raw tuna
Smithing 15 Iron bar
Smithing 30 Steel bar
Crafting 8 Golden amulet
Item requirements
Item Purpose


Spade Needed to dig up map and hot and cold clues

Recommended gear[]

Recommended items
Item Purpose

Speed potion

Speed potions Any speed potion to get around faster. Super speed potion or extreme speed potion are preferred.

Law rune

Teleport runes Teleport runes for faster travel. An alternative is to use teleport tablets as they require no magic level to use.
Games necklace
Teleport jewelry Games necklace Games necklace, Skills necklace Skills necklace, Amulet of glory Amulet of glory, Ring of dueling Ring of dueling
Cooking skillcape worn
Skillcapes Any skillcape that grant teleports are highly useful.

Cooked shrimp

Food Food to recover health for hot and cold clues and aggressive mob attacks if doing clues at low level.

Bronze bar

Item request items Some tens of each of the items that may be required for item request clues in noted form.

Types of clues[]

Anagram clues[]

Online tool to solve anagrams

Anagram Solution NPC Location Coordinates
A Baker Baraek Varrock square. -351 / 69 / -464
A Bas Saba In a cave at the entrance to Death Plateau. -1422 / 79 / -948
A Basic Anti Pot Captain Tobias At Port Sarim dock. -949 / 70 / 141
Aha Jar Jaraah In the building next to Al-Kharid Duel Arena. 53 / 71 / 78
Are Col Oracle At the top of Ice Mountain. -974 / 112 / -660
Area chef treck Father Aereck In the Lumbridge church. -282 / 69 / 204
Armchair The Pelt Charlie The Tramp Near Varrock southern gateway. -380 / 69 / -347
El Ow Lowe Varrock ranged shop. -306 / 70 / -435
Heroic Eohric Top floor of Burthorpe Castle. -1322 / 96 / -919
I Cord Doric Building between Taverley wall and Ice Mountain. -1155 / 66 / -516
In Bar Brian Port Sarim battleaxe shop. -943 / 72 / 94
Lark In Dog King Roald Varrock Palace. -341 / 69 / 409
Leakey Kaylee Falador's bar. -1148 / 69 / -280
Ok co Cook In the Lumbridge Castle kitchen. -373 / 72 / 195
Peaty pert Party Pete Falador Party Room. -854 / 69 / -295
Que Sir Squire Falador White Knight's Castle courtyard. -1079 / 72 / -185
R Ak Mi Karim In a building next to Al-Kharid bank. -183 / 69 / 296
Ratai Taria In Rimmington, west of home island portal. -1190 / 69 / 176
Sand Nut Dunstan In Burthorpe smithy, north-eastern most building. -1226 / 79 / -880
Sir Share Red Hairdresser At Falador barber shop. -1176 / 69 / -299
Snah Hans Lumbridge Castle courtyard. -344 / 69 / 171

Cipher clues[]

Online tool to solve ciphers

Chest clues[]

Riddle Location Location Image
All these crates and yet we are still not ready to leave. Ship closest to Draynor Village in Port Sarim. In ship's hold. (-870 / 64 / 93)
Clue chest medium solution all these crates
At the far north of the grand city I play with the rocks, they are only friends. In a pile of rocks between Varrock east bank and the gateway. (-205 / 64 / -449)
Clue chest medium solution rock friends
Deep under the ground on top of ice, I can see people run the opposite way as they fall down onto an Agility Course. Inside Ice Caves, large ice cavern. (-956 / 64 / 342)
Clue chest medium solution ice cave
Do you really want to pass over me? I mean, those people are pretty wild. Under the wooden bridge between Barbarian Village and Varrock. (-685 / 64 / -430)
Clue chest medium solution wild people
Enter east, then go south. I shall hide in the masses of the city. Next to an outer wall near Charlie the Tramp at Varrock southern entrance. (-400 / 64 / -352)
Clue chest medium solution city masses
I hide behind the bushes, as the people throw their rotten leftovers at the outcasts. In bushes near Varrock jail cages. (-325 / 70 / -378)
Clue chest medium solution varrock jail cage bushes
I used to see people mine coal here. They moved somewhere else. Next to Varrock wall, near the eastern mine. (-178 / 64 / -295)
Clue chest medium solution people mine coal
I watch those who were arrested for breaking into a nearby church. Port Sarim prison, second floor. (-969 / 77 / 262)
Clue chest medium solution church arrested
In the bushes of magic I hide, fearing the wizards might destroy this ancient tree. At the Mage Training Arena, in the bushes next to a magic tree. (156 / 74 / -72)
Clue chest medium solution mage training arena.png
Juliet? On a balcony facing away from Grand Exchange in Juliet's house. (-530 / 64 / -445)
Clue chest medium solution juliet
Such a beautiful place, but no one comes to sit here. At the end of a park's path I sit Southern part of Varrock park, near a small pond. (59 / 64 / -209)
Clue chest medium solution park path
The black smoke makes me almost disappear, this place of metal and hope helps support the defense of my beloved city. Falador forge at the very back. (-828 / 70 / -179)
Clue chest medium solution black smoke
The goods of the working apples wheat and lemons. And they all go here, to farm, to sell, to store. Falador farm, shed building. (-966 / 69 / -51)
Clue chest medium solution working apples
This tower is too small for the city! I can see the barbarians coming! Guard tower just outside the city walls in west Varrock. (-507 / 64 / -427)
Clue chest medium solution small tower
To be found next to a big empty patch. Oh the smell of pumpkins, it's what I love. Small Farming patches north east of Falador farm's main building. (Runescape cardinals) (-829 / 64 / -105)
Clue chest medium solution pumpkin smell
With everything antique and art, I enjoy watching the folks smile while they leave. At the front of Varrock Museum, behind a pillar. (-249 / 64 / -529)
Clue chest medium solution antique and art
You'd find me first if you would want to try an ancient rune skill. Air altar(-620 / 64 / -385)
Clue chest medium solution ancient rune

Map clues[]

Map Location Location Image
Clue map medium varrock wizard statue
Near the wizard statue east of Varrock. (-147 / 70 / -549) Clue map medium solution varrock wizard statue
Clue map medium canifis roadsign
Near the road sign between Canifis and Pasterdomus temple. (367 / 71 / -638) Clue map medium solution canifis roadsign
Clue map medium varrock hole
Next to the hole in Varrock. (-414 / 70 / -394) Clue map medium solution varrock hole
Clue map medium falador clan camp
South eastern corned of the clan camp, south of Falador. (-1032 / 68 / -30) Clue map medium solution falador clan camp
Clue map medium varrock jail cages
At the Varrock jail cages. (-328 / 69 / -408) Clue map medium solution varrock jail cages
Clue map medium falador mining guild
Near the Mining Guild entrance in Falador. (-938 / 69 / -184) Clue map medium solution mining guild entrance
Clue map medium falador fenced rocks
Among the fenced rocks north of Falador. (-925 / 66 / -374) Clue map medium solution falador fenced rocks
Clue map medium al-kharid tents
In Al-Kharid by the orange and gray tents. (-77 / 69 / 206) Clue map medium solution al-kharid tents
Clue map medium al-kharid mine
At the south end of Al-Kharid Mine. (-89 / 72 / -6) Clue map medium solution al-kharid mine
Clue map medium varrock lumber yard
Varrock Lumberyard behind the saw. (-100 / 70 / -662) Clue map medium solution varrock lumber yard
Clue map medium ice cave hut
South of Port Sarim, next to the hut near the Ice Caves entrance. (-1031 / 69 / 400) Clue map medium solution ice cave hut
Clue map medium draynor square
Draynor Village square. (-728 / 70 / 53) Clue map medium solution draynor square
Clue map medium draynor manor maze
Draynor Manor maze. (-659 / 69 / -195) Clue map medium solution draynor manor maze
Clue map medium port sarim green space
In a small green space in Port Sarim by the ship to Karamja. (-966 / 72 / 138) Clue map medium solution port sarim green space

Question clues[]

Question Solution Notes
What is the next number? 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...? 55
What is the next number in the sequence? 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221, 312211 13112221
How many cannons does Lumbridge Castle have? 11
How many buildings are there in Draynor Village? 8
SIX LEGS! Al of them have 6! There are 25 of them! How many legs? 150
How many stalls are there in Varrock Square? 5
How many stalls are there in Draynor Village? 4
What is the sacred word close to banana? babanza
What is 43 * 78 + 32? 3386
What is 111 multiplied by 11? 1221
What is the cube root of 216? 6
What is the next number? 12, 13, 15, 17, 111, 113, 117, 119, 123, ...? 129
What is the next decimal 1.6180? 3
What is -5 to the power of 3? -125
What is the required level to wear Rune plate armours? 55
How many buildings are there in Rimmington? 7
How many towers with a flag in Falador's castle? 5
When was Minescape first released? 2012
How many ships are there docked at Port Sarim currently? 7
What is 15 to the power of 3? 3375
There's a land where terror reigns supreme. No matter the time the sun doesn't gleam. Explorers have died watching beacon's beam. To reach this hellscape you must travel upstream. Wilderness
Please solve this for x: 12x - 5 = 43 4
333 - 3x = 33, what is x? 100
I'm a beast they've tried to tame, slayers and heroes looking for fame. To me your demise and an island's is the same, no shield will protect you from my breaths of flame dragon

Item request clues[]

Requested item Quantity Notes


Alliuminati 8 - 12

Super strength potion

Super strength potion 3

Rune essence

Rune essence 8 - 13

Teak shield

Teak shield 6 - 10

Golden amulet

Golden amulet 9


Carrot 8 - 13

Steel bar

Steel bar 7 - 15


Harpoon 5 - 15


Beetroot 8

Raw bear

Raw bear 6 - 10

Gold ore

Gold ore 7

Coal ore

Coal ore 8 - 13


Shears 9 - 12

Chaos rune

Chaos rune 15

Cooked tuna

Cooked tuna 5 - 14

Pine bow

Pine bow 7

Raw tuna

Raw tuna 5 - 6

Fly fishing rod

Fly fishing rod 11

Iron bar

Iron bar 10


See beacons for more information.

Beacon Abbreviation Location
Al-Kharid Al- -115 / 70 / 280
Arandar -3045 / 80 / -115
Ardougne's Monastery -2270 / 80 / 195
Barbarian Village Ba- -780 / 70 / -405
Burgh de Rott Bu- 425 / 75 / 220
Burthorpe Bur -1250 / 80 / -955
Brimhaven Bri -1630 / 65 / 250
Brimhaven Dungeon Br- -1810 / 85 / 390
Camelot Cam -1670 / 60 / -710
Canifis Can 515 / 70 / -665
Castle Wars -2780 / 75 / 575
Catherby Cat -1520 / 70 / -525
Corsair Cove -2395 / 70 / 1315
Crandor Cra -1505 / 100 / -10
Dark Wizard Tower Da- -1310 / 110 / -180
Draynor Manor Dr- -725 / 70 / -225
Dragon Spire Drag -900 / 100 / -1900
Draynor Village Dray -730 / 70 / 55
Eagles' Peak -3130 / 100 / -670
East Ardougne -2095 / 75 / -100
Edgeville Dungeon Ed-D -615 / 55 / -660
Edgeville Monastery Ed-M -850 / 70 / -640
Falador Fal -1085 / 70 / -180
Fight Arena -2295 / 75 / 355
Giants' Plateau Gi- 87 / 105 / 396
Goblin Village Go- -1145 / 60 / -680
Grand Tree -2700 / 80 / -660
Gu'Tanoth -2545 / 85 / 785
Gwenith -3545 / 70 / -445
Ice Cave Ic- -1045 / 25 / 385
Karamja Kar -1365 / 70 / 305
Kharidian Desert Kh- 20 / 75 / 30
Jatizso -2905 / 90 / -1575
Lletya -3095 / 75 / 325
Lumbridge Swamp Lu- -510 / 75 / 270
Lumbridge Lum -320 / 85 / 165
Monastery -2270 / 80 / 195
Mos Le'harmless 1515 / 70 / 940
Nardah 320 / 70 / 1135
Neitiznot -2930 / 90 / -1575
Mort'ton Mor 515 / 70 / -115
Piscatoris Fishing Colony -3080 / 70 / -1290
Poison Waste -3355 / 75 / 485
Pollnivneach 95 / 70 / 950
Port Khazard -2145 / 75 / 370
Port Phasmatys 1075 / 75 / -570
Port Sarim Po- -895 / 90 / 130
Prifddinas -3415 / 85 / -165
Quarry Qua -433 / 64 / 1183
Rellekka Rel -2070 / 85 / -1145
Rimmington Rim -1150 / 70 / 295
Ruins of Uzer 465 / 70 / 570
Seers' Village Se- -1910 / 75 / -630
Shilo Village -1500 / 70 / 870
Slayer Tower Sl- 315 / 100 / -840
Slepe 1185 / 70 / -130
Sophanem -105 / 85 / 1570
Tai Bwo Wannai -1670 / 75 / 645
Taverley Dungeon Ta-D -1275 / 50 / -395
Taverley Maze Ta-M -1465 / 50 / -545
Taverley Tav -1295 / 80 / -685
Trollheim Tro -1300 / 140 / -1230
Varrock Museum Va-M -240 / 70 / -520
Varrock Sewers Va-S -240 / 55 / -675
Varrock Var -445 / 70 / -405
Waterbirth Island -2520 / 75 / -1365
West Ardougne -2505 / 75 / -95
Wilderness Dark Warrior's fortress Wi-D -935 / 80 / -1085
Wilderness Mage Arena Wi-M -700 / 85 / -2025
Wilderness Pirate Hideout Wi-P -940 / 70 / -2065
Wilderness Rogue Castle Wi-R -105 / 90 / -2025
Wizards' Tower Wi-T -655 / 85 / 365
Wilderness Volcano Wi-V -575 / 215 / -1295
Witchaven -1865 / 70 / -25
Yanille -2355 / 70 / 590


The amounts for rewards may be inaccurate.

Common rewards[]




Unique rewards[]


  • Wizard boots Wizard boots
  • Ranger boots Ranger boots
  • Guthix mitre Guthix mitre
  • Guthix cloak Guthix cloak
  • Saradomin mitre Saradomin mitre
  • Saradomin cloak Saradomin cloak
  • Zamorak mitre Zamorak mitre
  • Zamorak cloak Zamorak cloak
  • Zaros mitre Zaros mitre
  • Zaros cloak Zaros cloak
  • Bandos mitre Bandos mitre
  • Bandos cloak Bandos cloak
  • Armadyl mitre Armadyl mitre
  • Armadyl cloak Armadyl cloak


  • No image Colored headbands (black, red, brown, pink, green, blue, white or gold)
  • No image Colored boaters (red, orange, green, blue, black, pink, purple or white)
  • No image Elegant clothing (dark purple, white, purple, pink or gold)
  • No image Wolf cloak and mask
  • Cat mask Cat mask
  • Penguin mask Penguin mask
  • Crier hat Crier hat
  • Leprechaun hat Leprechaun hat (green or black)
  • No image Unicorn mask (black or white)

Trimmed equipment[]

  • No image (Gold) trimmed mithril chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed mithril plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed adamant chain armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed adamant plate armour
  • No image (Gold) trimmed green d'hide armour
  • No image Adamant heraldic armour
  • No image Adamant heraldic shield
  • No image Trimmed amulet of strength