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Construction is a skill that allows players to build on a personal island available after purchasing some from an Estate agent. Construction is a moneysink skill, meaning that its purpose is to remove wealth from the game. This leads to construction being quite costly to train. The cost of purchasing your own island is 100,000 Coins. Each building block also costs money adding to the training costs. The Construction cape allows unlimited teleports to the player's island.


Construction xp is earned by placing blocks in the player owned home. Creating construction blocks with Sawmill 3000 also grants construction xp. A common method of training is to build a tower of blocks and then break it down.

Estate agents[]

Estate agents allow purchasing a player owned island. There are currently four agents in the game.

City Location
Falador -1059 / 69 / -268
Seers' Village -1803 / 69 / -673
Varrock -283 / 70 / -594
Rellekka -2113 / 78 / -1129

Home portals[]

Location Image
No image
No image
No image
Taverley home portal map

Home island teleport[]

Magic offers a teleport spell called "Home Island Teleport" which teleports player directly to their home island. Of course, if a player does not yet have a Player Island they cannot use this spell regardless of magic level. The construction cape also offers the same spell.

Construction stores[]

Construction blocks can be purchased from Construction stores. Each store has different set of blocks for sale. The blocks can only be placed within the player owned island.

Lumber Yard[]

Lumber Yard constructions store stocks.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Oak door 19 500 17 7.6 0.40
Oak trapdoor 20 500 19 8.0 0.40
Birch door 24 500 27 9.8 0.41
Birch trapdoor 26 500 29 10.4 0.40
Spruce door 33 500 42 13.4 0.41
Spruce trapdoor 34 500 44 13.8 0.41
Jungle door 42 500 57 16.8 0.40
Jungle trapdoor 43 500 59 17.2 0.40
Dark oak door 50 500 72 20.2 0.40
Dark oak trapdoor 51 500 74 20.6 0.40
Acacia door 59 500 87 23.6 0.40
Acacia trapdoor 60 500 89 24.0 0.40
Oak fence 18 500 15 7.2 0.40
Birch fence 23 500 25 9.4 0.41
Spruce fence 32 500 40 12.8 0.40
Jungle fence 40 500 55 16.2 0.40
Dark oak fence 49 500 70 19.8 0.40
Acacia fence 58 500 85 23.2 0.40
Oak log 12 500 5 4.8 0.40
Birch log 18 500 15 7.2 0.40
Spruce log 26 500 30 10.6 0.41
Jungle log 35 500 45 14.0 0.40
Dark oak log 43 500 60 17.4 0.40
Acacia log 52 500 75 20.8 0.40
Oak planks 15 500 11 6.2 0.41
Birch planks 21 500 21 8.6 0.41
Spruce planks 30 500 36 12.0 0.40
Jungle planks 38 500 51 15.4 0.41
Dark oak planks 47 500 66 18.8 0.40
Acacia planks 55 500 81 22.2 0.40
Oak leaves 17 unlimited 13 6.8 0.40
Birch leaves 22 unlimited 23 9.0 0.41
Spruce leaves 31 unlimited 38 12.4 0.40
Jungle leaves 39 unlimited 53 15.8 0.41
Dark oak leaves 48 unlimited 68 19.2 0.40
Acacia leaves 56 unlimited 83 22.6 0.40


-122 / 72 / 219 stock in Al-Kharid.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
White Wool 12 unlimited 5 4.8 0.40
Orange Wool 13 unlimited 6 5.2 0.40
Magenta Wool 13 unlimited 7 5.4 0.42
Light blue Wool 14 unlimited 8 5.6 0.40
Yellow Wool 14 unlimited 9 5.8 0.41
Lime Wool 15 unlimited 10 6.0 0.40
Pink Wool 15 unlimited 11 6.2 0.41
Gray Wool 16 unlimited 12 6.4 0.40
Light Gray Wool 17 unlimited 13 6.8 0.40
Cyan Wool 17 unlimited 14 7.0 0.41
Purple Wool 18 unlimited 15 7.2 0.40
Blue Wool 18 unlimited 16 7.4 0.41
Brown Wool 19 unlimited 17 7.6 0.40
Green Wool 19 unlimited 18 7.8 0.41
Red Wool 20 unlimited 19 8.0 0.40
Black Wool 21 unlimited 20 8.4 0.40
White Stained Glass 15 unlimited 10 6.0 0.40
Orange Stained Glass 15 unlimited 11 6.2 0.41
Magenta Stained Glass 16 unlimited 12 6.4 0.40
Light blue Stained Glass 17 unlimited 13 6.8 0.40
Yellow Stained Glass 17 unlimited 14 7.0 0.41
Lime Stained Glass 18 unlimited 15 7.2 0.40
Pink Stained Glass 18 unlimited 16 7.4 0.41
Gray Stained Glass 19 unlimited 17 7.6 0.40
Light Gray Stained Glass 19 unlimited 18 7.8 0.41
Cyan Stained Glass 20 unlimited 19 8.0 0.40
Purple Stained Glass 21 unlimited 20 8.4 0.40
Blue Stained Glass 21 unlimited 21 8.6 0.41
Brown Stained Glass 22 unlimited 22 8.8 0.40
Green Stained Glass 22 unlimited 23 9.0 0.41
Red Stained Glass 23 unlimited 24 9.2 0.40
Black Stained Glass 23 unlimited 25 9.4 0.41
White Hardened Clay 21 unlimited 20 8.4 0.40
Orange Hardened Clay 21 unlimited 21 8.6 0.41
Magenta Hardened Clay 22 unlimited 22 8.8 0.40
Light blue Hardened Clay 22 unlimited 23 9.0 0.41
Yellow Hardened Clay 23 unlimited 24 9.2 0.40
Lime Hardened Clay 23 unlimited 25 9.4 0.41
Pink Hardened Clay 24 unlimited 26 9.6 0.40
Gray Hardened Clay 24 unlimited 27 9.8 0.41
Light Gray Hardened Clay 25 unlimited 28 10.2 0.41
Cyan Hardened Clay 26 unlimited 29 10.4 0.40
Purple Hardened Clay 26 unlimited 30 10.6 0.41
Blue Hardened Clay 27 unlimited 31 10.8 0.40
Brown Hardened Clay 27 unlimited 32 11.0 0.41
Green Hardened Clay 28 unlimited 33 11.2 0.40
Red Hardened Clay 28 unlimited 34 11.4 0.41
Black Hardened Clay 29 unlimited 35 11.8 0.41
White Carpet 26 unlimited 30 10.6 0.41
Orange Carpet 27 unlimited 31 10.8 0.40
Magenta Carpet 27 unlimited 32 11.0 0.41
Light blue Carpet 28 unlimited 33 11.2 0.40
Yellow Carpet 28 unlimited 34 11.4 0.41
Lime Carpet 29 unlimited 35 11.8 0.41
Pink Carpet 30 unlimited 36 12.0 0.40
Gray Carpet 30 unlimited 37 12.2 0.41
Light Gray Carpet 31 unlimited 38 12.4 0.40
Cyan Carpet 31 unlimited 39 12.6 0.41
Purple Carpet 32 unlimited 40 12.8 0.40
Blue Carpet 32 unlimited 41 13.0 0.41
Brown Carpet 33 unlimited 42 13.4 0.41
Green Carpet 34 unlimited 43 13.6 0.40
Red Carpet 34 unlimited 44 13.8 0.41
Black Carpet 35 unlimited 45 14.0 0.40
White Glazed Terracotta 32 unlimited 40 12.8 0.40
Orange Glazed Terracotta 32 unlimited 41 13.0 0.41
Magenta Glazed Terracotta 33 unlimited 42 13.4 0.41
Light blue Glazed Terracotta 34 unlimited 43 13.6 0.40
Yellow Glazed Terracotta 34 unlimited 44 13.8 0.41
Lime Glazed Terracotta 35 unlimited 45 14.0 0.40
Pink Glazed Terracotta 35 unlimited 46 14.2 0.41
Gray Glazed Terracotta 36 unlimited 47 14.4 0.40
Light Gray Glazed Terracotta 36 unlimited 48 14.6 0.41
Cyan Glazed Terracotta 37 unlimited 49 15.0 0.41
Purple Glazed Terracotta 38 unlimited 50 15.2 0.40
Blue Glazed Terracotta 38 unlimited 51 15.4 0.41
Brown Glazed Terracotta 39 unlimited 52 15.6 0.40
Green Glazed Terracotta 39 unlimited 53 15.8 0.41
Red Glazed Terracotta 40 unlimited 54 16.0 0.40
Black Glazed Terracotta 40 unlimited 55 16.2 0.40
White Stained Glass Pane 38 unlimited 50 15.2 0.40
Orange Stained Glass Pane 38 unlimited 51 15.4 0.41
Magenta Stained Glass Pane 39 unlimited 52 15.6 0.40
Light blue Stained Glass Pane 39 unlimited 53 15.8 0.41
Yellow Stained Glass Pane 40 unlimited 54 16.0 0.40
Lime Stained Glass Pane 40 unlimited 55 16.2 0.40
Pink Stained Glass Pane 41 unlimited 56 16.6 0.40
Gray Stained Glass Pane 42 unlimited 57 16.8 0.40
Light Gray Stained Glass Pane 42 unlimited 58 17.0 0.40
Cyan Stained Glass Pane 43 unlimited 59 17.2 0.40
Purple Stained Glass Pane 43 unlimited 60 17.4 0.40
Blue Stained Glass Pane 44 unlimited 61 17.6 0.40
Brown Stained Glass Pane 44 unlimited 62 17.8 0.40
Green Stained Glass Pane 45 unlimited 63 18.2 0.40
Red Stained Glass Pane 46 unlimited 64 18.4 0.40
Black Stained Glass Pane 46 unlimited 65 18.6 0.40
White Concrete Powder 43 unlimited 60 17.4 0.40
Orange Concrete Powder 44 unlimited 61 17.6 0.40
Magenta Concrete Powder 44 unlimited 62 17.8 0.40
Light blue Concrete Powder 45 unlimited 63 18.2 0.40
Yellow Concrete Powder 46 unlimited 64 18.4 0.40
Lime Concrete Powder 46 unlimited 65 18.6 0.40
Pink Concrete Powder 47 unlimited 66 18.8 0.40
Gray Concrete Powder 47 unlimited 67 19.0 0.40
Light gray Concrete Powder 48 unlimited 68 19.2 0.40
Cyan Concrete Powder 48 unlimited 69 19.4 0.40
Purple Concrete Powder 49 unlimited 70 19.8 0.40
Blue Concrete Powder 50 unlimited 71 20.0 0.40
Brown Concrete Powder 50 unlimited 72 20.2 0.40
Green Concrete Powder 51 unlimited 73 20.4 0.40
Red Concrete Powder 51 unlimited 74 20.6 0.40
Black Concrete Powder 52 unlimited 75 20.8 0.40
White Concrete 49 unlimited 70 19.8 0.40
Orange Concrete 50 unlimited 71 20.0 0.40
Magenta Concrete 50 unlimited 72 20.2 0.40
Light blue Concrete 51 unlimited 73 20.4 0.40
Yellow Concrete 51 unlimited 74 20.6 0.40
Lime Concrete 52 unlimited 75 20.8 0.40
Pink Concrete 52 unlimited 76 21.0 0.40
Gray Concrete 53 unlimited 77 21.2 0.40
Light Gray Concrete 54 unlimited 78 21.6 0.40
Cyan Concrete 54 unlimited 79 21.8 0.40
Purple Concrete 55 unlimited 80 22.0 0.40
Blue Concrete 55 unlimited 81 22.2 0.40
Brown Concrete 56 unlimited 82 22.4 0.40
Green Concrete 56 unlimited 83 22.6 0.40
Red Concrete 57 unlimited 84 22.8 0.40
Black Concrete 58 unlimited 85 23.2 0.40

Draynor Village[]

-711 / 69 / 61 stock in Draynor Village.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Grass 10 unlimited 1 4.0 0.40
Dirt 10 500 1 4.0 0.40
Sand 10 500 1 4.0 0.40
Stone 10 500 1 4.0 0.40
Sandstone 12 unlimited 5 4.8 0.40
Glass (Building Block)[block notes 1] 12 unlimited 5 4.8 0.40
Cobblestone 12 500 5 4.8 0.40
Coarse dirt 15 500 10 6.0 0.40
Stone brick 15 500 10 6.0 0.40
Podzol 18 500 15 7.2 0.40
Red sandstone 18 unlimited 15 7.2 0.40
Prismarine 32 unlimited 40 12.8 0.40
Prismarine bricks 35 unlimited 45 14.0 0.40
Bricks 38 500 50 15.2 0.40
Dark prismarine 43 unlimited 60 17.4 0.40
Purpur block 55 unlimited 80 22.0 0.40
Purpur pillar 60 unlimited 90 24.2 0.40


-976 / 69 / -182 in Falador.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Stone slab 13 unlimited 7 5.4 0.42
Oak slab 14 500 9 5.8 0.41
Cobblestone slab 16 500 12 6.4 0.40
Birch slab 20 500 19 8.0 0.40
Stone brick slab 22 500 22 8.8 0.40
Sandstone slab 27 unlimited 32 11.0 0.41
Spruce slab 28 500 34 11.4 0.41
Red sandstone slab 33 unlimited 42 13.4 0.41
Jungle slab 37 500 49 15.0 0.41
Prismarine slab 39 unlimited 52 15.6 0.40
Prismarine brick slab 42 unlimited 57 16.8 0.40
Dark prismarine slab 44 unlimited 62 17.8 0.40
Dark oak slab 46 500 64 18.4 0.40
Brick slab 53 unlimited 77 21.2 0.40
Acacia slab 54 500 79 21.8 0.40
Purpur slab 59 unlimited 87 23.6 0.40


-1517 / 69 / -501 stock in Catherby.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Stone stairs 12 unlimited 5 4.8 0.40
Oak stairs 13 500 7 5.4 0.42
Cobblestone stairs 15 500 10 6.0 0.40
Birch stairs 19 500 17 7.6 0.40
Stone brick stairs 21 500 20 8.4 0.40
Sandstone stairs 26 unlimited 30 10.6 0.41
Spruce slab 27 500 32 11.0 0.41
Red sandstone stairs 32 unlimited 40 12.8 0.40
Jungle stairs 36 500 47 14.4 0.40
Prismarine stairs 38 unlimited 50 15.2 0.40
Prismarine brick stairs 40 unlimited 55 16.2 0.41
Dark prismarine stairs 43 unlimited 60 17.4 0.40
Dark oak stairs 44 500 62 17.8 0.40
Brick stairs 52 unlimited 75 20.8 0.40
Acacia stairs 53 500 77 21.2 0.40
Purpur stairs 58 unlimited 85 23.2 0.40

Seers' Village[]

-1875 / 71 / -607 stock in Seers' Village.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Sawmill 3000 100000 unlimited 1 400 0.004
Construction Bank Chest 120000 unlimited 5 480 0.004
Lectern 1300000 unlimited 30 10600 0.008
Smoker 2450000 unlimited 70 19800 0.008
Praying altar 5400000 unlimited 78 21600 0.004
Crafting table 5800000 unlimited 85 23200 0.004
Furnace 6000000 unlimited 90 24200 0.004
Anvil 6300000 unlimited 95 25400 0.004

Burgh de Rott[]

478 / 78 / 207 stock in Burgh de Rott.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Cobblestone wall 18 unlimited 15 7.2 0.40
Stone brick wall 23 unlimited 25 9.4 0.41
Sandstone wall 29 unlimited 35 11.8 0.41
Red Sandstone wall 35 unlimited 45 14.0 0.40
Brick wall 55 unlimited 80 22.0 0.40


-418 / 70 / -384 stock in Varrock.

Block Name Price Stock Level XP XP/Gp
Torch 15 unlimited 10 6.0 0.40
Candle 21 unlimited 20 8.4 0.40
Box 26 unlimited 30 10.6 0.41
Glass (Decoration) [block notes 1] 26 unlimited 30 10.6 0.41
Sea lantern 32 unlimited 40 12.8 0.40
Barrel 38 unlimited 50 15.2 0.40
Glass pane 38 unlimited 50 15.2 0.40
Ladder 43 unlimited 60 17.4 0.40
White Shulker box 55 unlimited 80 22.0 0.40
Orange Shulker box 55 unlimited 81 22.2 0.40
Magenta Shulker box 56 unlimited 82 22.4 0.40
Light Blue Shulker box 56 unlimited 83 22.6 0.40
Yellow Shulker box 57 unlimited 84 22.8 0.40
Lime Shulker box 58 unlimited 85 23.2 0.40
Pink Shulker box 58 unlimited 86 23.4 0.40
Gray Shulker box 59 unlimited 87 23.6 0.40
Light Gray shulker box 59 unlimited 88 23.8 0.40
Cyan Shulker box 60 unlimited 89 24.0 0.40
Purple Shulker box 60 unlimited 90 24.2 0.40
Blue Shulker box 61 unlimited 91 24.4 0.40
Brown Shulker box 62 unlimited 92 24.8 0.40
Green Shulker box 62 unlimited 93 25.0 0.40
Red Shulker box 63 unlimited 94 25.2 0.40
Black Shulker box 63 unlimited 95 25.4 0.40
  1. 1.0 1.1 Glass has two variants - however, they both place the same block. Breaking either variant will return a broken "Decoration" variant to your inventory.

Craftable Blocks[]

  • Stone
  • Dirt
  • Sand
  • Oak log
  • Cobblestone
  • Oak stairs
  • Oak slab
  • Coarse dirt
  • Stone brick
  • Cobblestone stairs
  • Oak plank
  • Cobblestone slab
  • Birch log
  • Oak fences
  • Podzol
  • Cobblestone wall
  • Oak door
  • Birch stairs
  • Oak trapdoor
  • Birch slab
  • Stone brick stairs
  • Birch plank
  • Stone brick slab
  • Birch fences
  • Stone brick wall
  • Birch door
  • Birch trapdoor
  • Spruce log
  • Spruce stairs
  • Spruce slab
  • Spruce plank
  • Spruce fences
  • Spruce door
  • Spruce trapdoor
  • Jungle log
  • Jungle stairs
  • Jungle slab
  • Bricks
  • Jungle plank
  • Jungle fences
  • Jungle door
  • Jungle trapdoor
  • Dark oak log
  • Dark oak stairs
  • Dark oak slab
  • Dark oak plank
  • Dark oak fences
  • Dark oak door
  • Dark oak trapdoor
  • Acacia log
  • Acacia stairs
  • Acacia slab
  • Acacia plank
  • Acacia fences
  • Acacia door
  • Acacia trapdoor


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