Currently, the best place to make potions is the Grand Exchange, with a central bank and 4 potions stands in each corner. The Grand Exchange is a great place to stock up on flowers from other players, for collecting them yourself refer to Herblore.
Leveling Herblore will also slowly increase picking time between flowers, Shears will boost picking time by 20%. (Shears are unlocked at level 30 Farming). Can be purchased from a farmer's shop slightly north of Port Sarim by Falador farms for 30x Coins.
The numbers for each potion will fit into your empty inventory, maximizing each trip, the flowers are listed in the banks alphabetical category.
There are 3 tiers of speed, power, defense and prayer potions, these are normal, super and extreme. Some of the later potions require these as part of their components, it can be advised to keep the potions you make for late-game herblore training.
Best flower locations[]
Flower | Example location(s) |
Talupia Blancus |
Talupia Crimson |
Talupia Tangio | |
Orchicada Blau | |
Rosarius Poppus |
Azurus Aqua |
Necrotic Busi |
Alliuminati |
Cactus |
Noilednad |
Magmatius Wrath |
Talupia Magentina |
Dragonseye Rose |
Levels 1 - 5: Making speed potions[]
At level 1 and above you should start by picking flowers and making Speed potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Talupia blancus
- 12x Talupia crimson
- 12x Talupia tangio
Levels 5 - 10: Making strength potions[]
At level 5 and above you can start making Strength potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 24x Orchicada blau
- 12x Talupia crimson
Levels 10 - 20: Making defence potions[]
At level 10 and above you can start making Defence potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Orchicada blau
- 12x Rosarius poppus
- 12x Talupia blancus
Levels 20 - 25: Making prayer potions[]
At level 20 and above you can start making Prayer potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Azurus aqua
- 12x Orchicada blau
- 12x Talupia tangio
Levels 25 - 30: Making stamina potions[]
At level 25 and above you can start making Stamina potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Azurus aqua
- 12x Orchicada blau
- 12x Rosarius poppus
Levels 30 - 40: Making super speed potions[]
At level 30 and above you can start making Super speed potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Necroti busi
- 9x Talupia blancus
- 9x Talupia crimson
- 9x Talupia tangio
Levels 40 - 45: Making super strength potions[]
At level 40 and above you can start making Super strength potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Alliuminati
- 18x Orchicada blau
- 9x Talupia crimson
Levels 50 - 60 (alternative): Making heat resistance potions[]
At level 50 and above you can start making Heat resistance potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Cactus
- 9x Talupia blancus
- 9x Talupia crimson
- 9x Talupia tangio
Levels 45 - 55: Making super defence potions[]
At level 45 and above you can start making Super defence potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Alliuminati
- 9x Orchicada blau
- 9x Rosarius poppus
- 9x Talupia blancus
Levels 55 - 62: Making super prayer potions[]
At level 55 and above you can start making Super prayer potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 7 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 7x Azurus aqua
- 7x Necroti busi
- 7x Noilednad
- 7x Orchicada blau
- 7x Talupia tangio
Levels 62 - 69: Making super stamina potions[]
At level 62 and above you can start making Super stamina potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Azurus aqua
- 9x Noilednad
- 9x Orchicada blau
- 9x Rosarius poppus
Levels 69 - 75: Making dark potions[]
At level 69 and above you can start making Dark potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Alliuminati
- 12x Necroti busi
- 12x Noilednad
Levels 75 - 78: Making extreme speed potions[]
At level 75 and above you can start making Extreme speed potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Magmatius wrath
- 9x Talupia blancus
- 9x Talupia crimson
- 9x Talupia tangio
Levels 78 - 80: Making extreme strength potions[]
At level 78and above you can start making Extreme strength potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 7 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 7x Magmatius wrath
- 7x Noilednad
- 7x Talupia crimson
- 14x Orchicada blau
Levels 80 - 83: Making extreme defence potions[]
At level 80 and above you can start making Extreme defence potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 7 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 7x Magmatius wrath
- 7x Noilednad
- 7x Orchicada blau
- 7x Rosarius poppus
- 7x Talupia blancus
Level 82-83 (alternative): Making fire resistance potions[]
At level 82 and above you can start making Fire resistance potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 9 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 9x Noilednad
- 9x Magmatius wrath
- 9x Alliuminati
- 9x Dragoneye's rose
Levels 83 - 86: Making extreme prayer potions[]
At level 83 and above you can start making Extreme prayer potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 7 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 7x Magmatius wrath
- 7x Talupia magentina
- 7x Azurus aqua
- 7x Orchicada blau
- 7x Talupia tangio
Levels 86 - 89: Making unstable potions[]
At level 86 and above you can start making Unstable potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 5 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 5x Dark potion
- 5x Azurus aqua
- 5x Necroti busi
- 5x Noilednad
- 5x Orchicada blau
- 5x Talupia tangio
- 5x Enormous bones
Levels 89 - 95: Making combat potions[]
At level 89 and above you can start making Combat potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 6 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 6x Talupia magentina
- 6x Extreme defence potion
- 6x Noilednad
- 6x Magmatius wrath
- 12x Orchicada blau
Levels 95 - 99: Making god potions[]
At level 95 and above you can start making God potions. If you empty your inventory, you can make 12 potions per one run, requiring you to have:
- 12x Talupia magentina
- 12x Combat potion
- 12x Unstable potion
Level 99 - Herblore Cape[]
- 99 Herblore Cape allows faster brewing, Note that "Middle-Clicking" 33% faster brewing will not work additively with the Herblore cape.