Minescape Wiki


Mining is a skill about mining ore rocks with the goal of extracting the raw ore from them with a pickaxe. Pickaxes of different tiers mine ores at different speeds. (e.g a Bronze pickaxe is slower then one made of Mithril). A higher mining level allows to mine higher level ores and to mine faster. The mined ores can be made into equipment with Smithing or they could be sold to other players as some ores can be quite valuable. The Mining Guild is one of the best places to mine certain ores. The mining cape has an effect that may double any mined ore up to adamant.

Mining skill guide


Mining requires a pickaxe. A bronze pickaxe is sold in every general store. Most of the pickaxes can be created by smithing. Hitting an ore rock with pickaxe begins mining process. Moving or jumping during mining ends the process and it has be started from beginning. Once the process completes, a single piece of ore is obtained. Mining experience is gained every time an ore is mined. Higher level ores grant more experience, though it is often faster experience-wise to mine lower level ores until the mining level has sufficiently surpassed the level requirement for an ore as they are quite slow to mine at the level they are unlocked. The mining speed can be increased with a better pickaxe. The mined ores should be banked as they are needed to train Smithing and can be quite costly to buy from other players. When mining, a sweet spot indicator appears which can be used to gain more experience.


A pickaxe for each metal exists. There are also special pickaxes that can only be obtained as monster drops from bosses or as rewards from treasure trails.

Standard pickaxes
Pickaxe Level

Bronze pickaxe

Bronze pickaxe 1

Iron pickaxe

Iron pickaxe 10

Steel pickaxe

Steel pickaxe 20

Mithril pickaxe

Mithril pickaxe 30

Adamant pickaxe

Adamant pickaxe 40

Rune pickaxe

Rune pickaxe 50
Special pickaxes
Pickaxe Level

Black pickaxe

Black pickaxe 20

Gilded pickaxe

Gilded pickaxe 50

Dragon pickaxe

Dragon pickaxe 70

3rd age pickaxe

3rd age pickaxe 85

Pickaxe mining speeds[]

Each pickaxe has a different base mining speed that increases with each level of mining you achieve. The calculations shown are rough estimates of the mining time of each rock according to each pickaxe. The following table is not complete as not every pickaxe has been obtained/every ore has not been mined. The mining times are displayed as mm:ss (00:30 would mean 30 seconds). As the times are estimates, a tilde (~) is placed next to them. The numbers may change over time. Rune essence and Rock are both mineable materials but mine rather quickly regardless of pickaxe type and are excluded from this table.

Pickaxe mining speeds
Pickaxe Copper Tin Clay Iron Silver Coal Gold Mithril Graphite Adamant Runite

Bronze pickaxe

Bronze 0:05~ 0:05~ ? 0:08~ 0:12~ 0:12~ 0:24~ 0:28~ 1:00~ 1:31~ ?

Iron pickaxe

Iron 0:04~ 0:04~ ? 0:07~ 0:10~ 0:10~ 0:20~ 0:23~ 0:51~ 1:15~ ?

Steel pickaxe

Steel 0:04~ 0:04~ ? 0:06~ 0:09~ 0:10~ 0:18~ 0:22~ 0:47~ 1:10~ ?

Mithril pickaxe

Mithril 0:03~ 0:03~ ? 0:06~ 0:08~ 0:09~ 0:17~ 0:20~ 0:43~ 1:05~ ?

Adamant pickaxe

Adamant 0:03~ 0:03~ ? 0:05~ 0:08~ 0:08~ 0:16~ 0:19~ 0:40~ 1:00~ ?

Rune pickaxe

Rune ? 0:01~ 0:01~ 0:02~ ? 0:05~ 0:07~ 0:10~ 0:11~ 0:14~ 0:17~

Gilded pickaxe

Gilded ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Dragon pickaxe

Dragon ? ? ? ? ? 0:03~ 0:05~ 0:06~ ? ? ?

3rd age pickaxe

3rd age ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • As of 8/17/2019, it is now possible to obtain a pickaxe from killing the various level 35 dwarves that now inhabit the Falador mine. They drop any kind of pickaxes between bronze and adamant, with the more powerful ones being rarer drops.
  • As of 8/20/2019, tools and levels contribute to the mining time. The % or Number for each level is currently UNKNOWN and the table will be updated once information regarding it is known.


Ores are obtained by mining ore rocks. Mining an ore from an ore rock grants experience points and one ore of the ore rock's type. Once an ore is mined, the ore rock becomes depleted and it needs a short moment to replenish after which it can be mined again. An individual ore rock is shared among all the players that are mining it so players need to compete for its ore.

Mineable Ores
Name Level XP

Copper ore

Copper ore 1 9

Tin ore

Tin ore 1 9

Rune essence

Rune essence 1 6


Stone 1 6


Clay 10 11

Iron ore

Iron ore 15 16

Silver ore

Silver ore 20 23

Pay dirt

Pay dirt 30 30

Coal ore

Coal ore 30 34

Gold ore

Gold ore 40 56

Mithril ore

Mithril ore 50 72

Graphite ore

Graphite ore 65 108

Adamant ore

Adamant ore 70 148

Runite ore

Runite ore 85 206

Ore spirits[]

Every time the player mines an ore vein, there is a 10% chance to receive an ore spirit of the corresponding ore type. These spirits allow the player to receive 1 additional ore the next time they mine a vein with the spirit in their inventory. The extra ore provides no additional XP.

Ore spirits

Copper ore spirit

Copper ore spirit

Tin ore spirit

Tin ore spirit

Iron ore spirit

Iron ore spirit

Silver ore spirit

Silver ore spirit

Coal ore spirit

Coal ore spirit

Gold ore spirit

Gold ore spirit

Mithril ore spirit

Mithril ore spirit

Adamant ore spirit

Adamant ore spirit

Rune ore spirit

Rune ore spirit


When mining ores, there is a small chance of finding uncut gems. The gems are sapphire, ruby, emerald and diamond. There is also the dragonstone and onyx but they can not be obtained while mining. Dragonstones can be obtained through the Rare drop table, and by catching Ninja implings or Dragon implings. Onyx gems can only be obtained by catching Dragon implings.


Mines are places where ore rocks can be mined. Below is a list of known mining locations and the number of ore rocks they contain. Names of the ores are abbreviated. For underground mines, the coordinates of the entrances for those mines are listed. For underground mines with multiple entrances, multiple coordinates may be provided.

  • Cu = Copper
  • Sn = Tin
  • Cl = Clay
  • Fe = Iron
  • Ag = Silver
  • C = Coal
  • Au = Gold
  • Mi = Mithril
  • G = Graphite
  • Ad = Adamant
  • Ru = Runite

Table Legend[]

  • ~ = Estimated amount, unsure if accurate
  • N/A = No ores, special type of mine
  • Italic = Locked behind a quest and/or skill requirement
  • () = Optimal mining spot for this kind of ore relative to a bank. Better options may be unlocked through leveling different skills
  • Striked through = No longer exist in game
Location Cu Sn Cl Fe Ag C Au Mi G Ad Ru
Abandoned Mine [mines 1][mines 2]

335 / 64 / 149

47 40 0 0 0 24 0 4 (6) 5 0
Al-Kharid Mine

-113 / 64 / -97

16 8 0 8 0 9 9 0 0 2 0
Barbarian Village Mine

-771 / 64 / -433

0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Crafting Guild Mine [mines 3]

-1195 / 64 / -7

0 0 0 0 (11~) 0 (5~) 0 0 0 0
Crandor Mine [mines 4]

-580 / 84 / 1329

6 6 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 4 0
Crandor Tin Mine [mines 4]

-546 / 70 / 1410

0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dwarven Mine

-828 / 64 / -296

-958 / 64 / -516

-1023 / 64 / -509

37~ 68~ 0 29 (6) 0 3 0 0 5 1
Mining Guild [mines 5]

-961 / 64 / -186

0 0 0 3 0 (60~) (9) (13) 0 0 0
Motherlode Mine [mines 6] N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Falador Western Outskirts Mine [mines 7]

-1297 / 64 / -267

15 11 0 (9) 0 (16) 4 0 0 0 0
Hobgoblin's Mine

-990 / 64 / -1589

0 0 0 16 0 16 0 19 16 9 0
Karamja Volcano


-1516 / 64 / 290

0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 (3) 0 0
Lava Maze's Mine

-850 / 64 / -1875

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (5)
Lumbridge Swamp

Mine (Eastern)

-294 / 64 / 373

(12) (14) 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Lumbridge Swamp

Mine (Western)

-512 / 64 / 373

8 7 6 4 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
Pirate's Mine

-871 / 64 / -2081

0 0 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 0 0
Rellekka's Mine

-1985 / 64 / -1292

0 3 39 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0
Rimmington Pit Mine

-1089 / 64 / 113

3 14 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 (11) 0
Rimmington Dungeon


-1206 / 64 / 87

8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Rune essence mine

(Talk to NPC)

-258 / 64 / -387

Skeleton's Mine

-983 / 64 / -969

0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Steel Mine

-721 / 64 / -917

0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0
Varrock West Mine

-478 / 64 / -291

5 5 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Varrock East Mine

-145 / 64 / -269

8 3 0 (8) 4 5 0 0 0 0 0
White Wolf Mountain

inner mine

-1398 / 64 / -682

6 8 9 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
  1. Requires completion of Priest in Peril to access
  2. Requires level 65 agility to access
  3. Requires level 50 crafting to access
  4. 4.0 4.1 Requires completion of Dragon Slayer to access
  5. Requires level 50 mining to access
  6. Requires level 30 mining to access
  7. Fast banking requires 35 agility to use the South Falador shortcut

Motherload Mine[]

Motherload Mine is a mining activity located in the Dwarven Mine. It revolves around mining pay dirt and exchanging it for ores and other rewards.

Useful Items[]

A number of items exist that can make mining faster.

Prospector outfit[]

Prospector outfit is a mining xp boosting outfit. The outfit can be purchased from motherload mine reward shop. The outfit has a helmet, a jacket, legs and boots. Each individual piece gives an xp boost. Wearing the entire outfit gives an increase boost. The outfit also decreases the chances of a pay dirt vein from depleting.

Backbag and bags[]

Backpack is a reward from Crafting a Backpack quest and can hold extra ores, allowing longer mining trips. Ore bag can be used for same purpose. Gem bag can be used to store uncut gems found whilst mining.


Speed potions can be used to reduced the time it takes to bank the mined ores. Though speed potions do not work in deep Wilderness. Another thing to keep in mind is that most of the time is spent in mining ores and running so most of the speed potion's time is likely wasted. Meat pizza grants a 10% mining speed boost when eaten.



Skillcape 99 mining (untrimmed)

  • There is a wall of ore encrusted on the wall in Al-Kharid that is mostly unreachable, but a true miner can mine a few ores from it.
  • Coal ore and Graphite ore are a essential resources in smithing. Mine lots of both.
  • Mining Skillcape gives you a 5% chance to receive a second ore, up to Adamant ore. (Curently bugged, and only works up to Mithril)
  • And a Defence buffer up to +20
  • The World Map is outdated and many mining spots are unmarked or in the wrong place due to game updates.
  • Graphite ore replaced thick coal which used to grant four regular coal ores.

Related Videos[]


Smithing Guide 1-30 -Minescape-

Skills Skills

