Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki

Banshees are slayer mobs that require at least level 20 Slayer to kill. They can be found at the first floor of Slayer Tower, along with cave bugs, crawling hands and cave crawlers. They can also be found in Taverley Dungeon, enter the dungeon, jump down to the left, go past the crawling hands and head straight, up the stairs, past the Icevelds and then left before the green dragons is a pack of 3. These are a good source for Rune essence.



Chaos runeChaos rune3Rare
Clue scroll (easy)Clue scroll (easy)1Rare
CoinsCoins100 - 200Common
Iron barIron bar1 - 3 (noted)Uncommon
Mithril chain helmetMithril chain helmet1Very rare
Mithril two handed swordMithril two handed sword1Very rare
Rune essenceRune essence8 - 10 (noted)Common