Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki

Brine rats are slayer mobs that require level 47 slayer (level 56 variant) or level 73 slayer (level 84 variant). They can be found both in the Brine Rat Cave near Rellekka and within Taverley Dungeon.


Brine rats can be found in 2 locations within Minescape. The level 56 variant of the mob can be found within the Brine Rat Cave at -1803 / 64 / -1408. A spade is required to enter the cave. The level 84 variant can be found within the Taverley Dungeon at -1333 / 64 / -387. Only the level 56 variant can drop the Brine Sabre weapon.

Drops - Level 56[]

Item Quantity Rarity
Brine sabreBrine sabre1Epic
Clue Scroll (medium)Clue Scroll (medium)1Very Rare
Raw ratRaw rat18 (noted)Rare
Water runeWater rune10Rare
Raw lobsterRaw lobster10 (noted)Rare
Raw sharkRaw shark3 (noted)Rare
Earth runeEarth rune10Uncommon
Death runeDeath rune5-7Common

Drops - Level 84[]

Item Quantity Rarity
Dragon daggerDragon dagger1Epic
Tuna potatoTuna potato3-5 (noted)Very Rare
Clue Scroll (elite)Clue Scroll (elite)1Very Rare
Raw sea turtleRaw sea turtle5 (noted)Rare
Raw sturgeonRaw sturgeon7-14 (noted)Rare
Raw ratRaw rat18 (noted)Rare
Swamp tarSwamp tar5-10Rare
Raw sharkRaw shark1-5 (noted)Uncommon
Raw swordfishRaw swordfish1-5 (noted)Uncommon
Raw lobsterRaw lobster2-6 (noted)Uncommon