Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki

Dwarves are mid tier monsters known for their mining and smithing abilities.

There are also similar, but much lower level assigned through slayer tasks called Chaos Dwarves.


Dwarves can be found throughout the world, but are commonly found in the Dwarven Mines north of Falador.

Chaos Dwarves are found in the Taverley Dungeon.


Adamant pickaxeAdamant pickaxe1Epic
Bronze barBronze bar1Common
Bronze battleaxeBronze battleaxe1Uncommon
Bronze chain helmetBronze chain helmet1Common
Chaos runeChaos rune2Uncommon
Clue scroll (easy)Clue scroll (easy)1Rare
Coal oreCoal ore1Rare
Copper oreCopper ore1Common
Iron barIron bar1Rare
Iron battleaxeIron battleaxe1Uncommon
Iron ore spiritIron ore spirit1Rare
Iron pickaxeIron pickaxe1Common
Mithril pickaxeMithril pickaxe1Very rare
Nature runeNature rune2Rare
Steel pickaxeSteel pickaxe1Uncommon
Tin ore spiritTin ore spirit1Common
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Legendary
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Very rare
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Epic
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Rare