Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki



Adamant battleaxeAdamant battleaxe1Common
Adamant maceAdamant mace1Common
Air runeAir rune200 - 300Common
Apocalypse wandApocalypse wand1Epic
Chaos runeChaos rune200 - 300Uncommon
Clue scroll (elite)Clue scroll (elite)1Very rare
CoinsCoins4000 - 5000Always
Cosmic runeCosmic rune10 - 25Common
Dagon'hai bootsDagon'hai boots1Epic
Dagon'hai hatDagon'hai hat1Epic
Dagon'hai robe bottomDagon'hai robe bottom1Epic
Dagon'hai robe topDagon'hai robe top1Epic
Death runeDeath rune150 - 200Uncommon
Earth runeEarth rune200 - 300Common
Enormous bonesEnormous bones1Always
Evil Chicken boss pet tokenEvil Chicken boss pet token1Epic
FeathersFeathers300 - 400Always
Fire runeFire rune200 - 300Common
Raw chickenRaw chicken5 - 10Common
Rune daggerRune dagger1Rare
Rune essenceRune essence250 - 300 (noted)Uncommon
Rune spearRune spear1Rare
Soul of the Evil ChickenSoul of the Evil Chicken1Always
Water runeWater rune200 - 300Common
Wizard's wandWizard's wand1 - 15 (noted)Rare
Wrath runeWrath rune8 - 12Common