Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki


Blood runeBlood rune150 - 175Uncommon
Chaos runeChaos rune250 - 300Uncommon
Clue scroll (elite)Clue scroll (elite)1Very rare
CoinsCoins3000 - 4000Always
Death runeDeath rune100 - 150Uncommon
Dragon pickaxeDragon pickaxe1Very rare
Dragon two handed swordDragon two handed sword1Epic
Gold ore spiritGold ore spirit36 - 50 (noted)Rare
Rune boltsRune bolts25 - 50Rare
Rune pickaxeRune pickaxe1Uncommon
Rune two handed swordRune two handed sword1Rare
Soul of VenenatisSoul of Venenatis1Common
StringString100 - 200Uncommon
Treasonous ringTreasonous ring1Epic
Uncut diamondUncut diamond1Legendary
Uncut dragonstoneUncut dragonstone1Rare
Uncut emeraldUncut emerald1Very rare
Uncut rubyUncut ruby1Epic
Uncut sapphireUncut sapphire1Rare
Venenatis pet tokenVenenatis pet token1Epic