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Fortuneteller Gypsy Aris has seen you in her crystal ball up against Delrith, a once powerful demon who tried to destroy Varrock 150 years ago. You must obtain Silverlight, and follow in the Great Hero Wally's footsteps to cast Delrith back into the stones south of Varrock.

Mobs Delrith


Starting Location
  • 15 Attack
  • The ability to kill a Level 39 enemy with 1040 health
Items Required
  • Melee armour
  • Constitution 15 Constitution
  • ~10 Food (Trout or better)
  • Varrock Teleport
  • Lumbridge Teleport


Starting the quest[]

Begin the quest by speaking to Gypsy Aris in her tent located in Varrock Square (-397 / 64 / -450)

Cross her palm with silver and she will look into her crystal ball to see your future. She can see you fighting Delrith, and you are wielding Silverlight. She tells you a tale of a great adventurer named Wally and how his magical sword Silverlight cast Delrith's soul into the rocks South of Varrock. A short cut-scene shows Wally slaying Delrith while chanting an incantation. She then informs you that Delrith is on his way back to destroy Varrock.

She suggests that Silverlight is the only weapon that can defeat Delrith, and that the sword has been passed down to a descendant of Wally known as Sir Prysin.

You will need to write down the incantation she gives you to finish off Delrith during the fight, as it is different for every player .

Talk to Sir Prysin[]

Sir Prysin is located on the ground floor of Varrock castle, to the left as you enter the front doors. (-403 / 64 / -632)

Once you arrive, Sir Prysin will inform you that Silverlight is locked away in a special box. In order to keep Silverlight out of the wrong hands, it was locked in a case requiring 3 keys, all of which were split up between three different people.

Silverlight key (Sir Prysin)[]

Items needed[]

1x Empty bucket Empty bucket

After speaking with Sir Prysin you will find out that he dropped his key down the Castle's kitchen sink and it's up to you to flush it out.

If you haven't brought a bucket, one can be purchased in the Varrock General store for 20gp

Once you have a bucket, head into the castle kitchen located in the North East corner of the ground level. Fill your Empty bucket with water by right clicking on the sink and head out the door to the right. Once you are outside, locate the metal grate behind the sink, right click the bars on the ground with the Water bucket in your hand. This will dislodge the key and cause it to fall into the Varrock Sewers.

Once the game informs you that the key has been dislodged, make your way South through the castle garden and make a left out of the castle grounds, the sewer entrance will be directly to the right after leaving the castle grounds (-300 / 64 / -562).

The 4 skulls where Sir Prysin's key is hiding.

Climb down the ladder and enter the sewers. Make a slight left and then a slight right to head down the long hallway. At the end of the hall you will see 2 ladders across a small channel of water, turn left and you will see four skulls sitting near some running water. Search the skulls by right clicking until you find Silverlight key (Prysin).

Silverlight key (Captain Rovin)[]

Captain Rovin is located on the roof of the Northwest guard tower of Varrock Castle. To get there, enter the front doors of the Castle go to the left, past Sir Prysin and then through the door near the melons and pumpkins. Head up the large stone spiral stairs until you reach the top, then up the ladders to the left to find Captain Rovin.

Talk to Captain Rovin, exhaust all the dialogue and you will find out he doesn't like Sir Prysin very much. He will give you the Silverlight key (Rovin) without much effort.

Silverlight key (Traiborn)[]

Items needed[]

Make your way to the Wizards' Tower (-668 / 64 / 329), located South of Draynor Village. Home teleporting to Lumbridge is faster than running from Varrock. Follow the bridge and do a few parkour jumps at the end to get across. Enter the wizards' tower and you'll see a Minecraft beacon (Right click on it for some Exploration XP ) hop on top of the beacon and levitate up to the second floor where you'll be able to see Traiborn, jump off towards him.

Once you ask him about the key he'll inform you that he needs 25 Bones to complete a spell to access the key. Hand over the Bones in your inventory (the Bones can be noted). If you don't have any bones you can go to Draynor Village and kill 25 rats.

Give him the Bones and he will hand over the Silverlight key (Traiborn).

Bring the keys to Sir Prysin[]

Items needed[]

Make your way back to Varrock and talk to Sir Prysin to let him know you've gathered all three keys, he will give you Silverlight and tell you to go slay Delrith.

Fight the mighty Delrith[]

Items needed[]

Recommended items[]

  • Melee combat armor
  • Food (Trout or better)

Talk to Gypsy Aris to be reminded of the incantation if needed, then head to the Stone Circle (-334 / 70 / -285) where a cutscene will begin as you near the middle of the circle.

Fighting Delrith

The cutscene shows a group of Dark Wizards, and their leader named Denath summoning Delrith. When they see you appear with Silverlight, they flee and the fight begins.

Kill Delrith and you will be prompted to recite the incantation.

Recite it correctly to banish Delrith!

Quest 2Quest Complete!Quest 2
