King Roald of Misthalin has not received a word from a temple keeping dark powers at bay. Assist the king by checking how the temple's priest is doing.
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Starting the quest[]
To begin the quest, speak with King Roald (-345 / 65 / -590) in Varrock Castle. He states that he has not heard from a temple or its priest, Drezel, at the border between Misthalin and Morytania for a few days and asks you to see to the matter. Make your way east of Varrock, to the Paterdomus Temple (220 / 70 / -645).
Arriving at the temple[]
Once at the temple, you will notice that the door is locked shut. Knocking on the door begins a rather suspicious dialogue with a group of monks. They want to know why you are here. After some chatting, they ask you to kill a dog that has found its way to the mausoleum beneath the temple and is disturbing them. The mausoleum is a small stone building to the left of the temple. Inside are long ladders that lead to the mausoleum.
Dealing with the dog[]
Descend into the mausoleum to face the dog. The dog is a level 30 temple guardian with 940 health points. It has quite low defence but its large health pool compensates for that. It hits quite accurately, which may make it quite challenging for a low level players. Once the dog is slain, return to the temple's door to inform the monks that the dog is dead. The monks are pleased with your work and suggest that you to report back to King Roald.
Reporting to the King[]
Return and speak to King Roald who is furious to hear that you have killed the temple guardian which had been placed there to protect a holy well, leading to the river Salve. The king orders you to return to the temple and get to the bottom of things to solve this mess, see what has come of Drezel and prevent a possible attack against his kingdom.
Facing the monks[]
Head back to the Paterdomus Temple. This time force open the temple's door and enter it to discover that the temple has been taken over by Zamorakian monk. Drezel is being held in a cell on the left side of the temple's altar. Talk to Drezel through the cell bars. He tells you that the zamorakians attacked the temple and locked him up. Their plan is to desecrate the river Salve through the well in the mausoleum to allow creatures of Morytania to pass the holy river and attack Misthalin.
Freeing Drezel[]
To restore the river's blessing, Drezel needs to be get out of his cell. The cell is guarded by a resting vampyre and must be dealt with. A key to the cell is also needed to set Drezel free. The vampyre is too strong to be killed so it needs to be made harmless through other means. Drezel suggests using the water from the river through the mausoleum's well.
Cell key[]
A golden key is obtained by killing the Zamorakian monks within the temple. Once you have the key, talk to Drezel and then try opening the cell door with the key only to see that it does not fit. This key opens another door in the mausoleum beneath the temple and is required to reach the well.
Into the crypt[]
Once you have tried the key on the cell door, head to the mausoleum and continue until you reach a large room with four zamorakian statues and the well in the middle of the room. Fill up a bucket with murky water from the well. Right clicking one of the statues gives you an iron key that opens Drezel's cell.
A free priest[]
With the iron key and a bucket of murky water, head back to Drezel. Talk with him and use the iron key to unlock the cell. Talk to him again and he blesses the murky water. Use the now blessed water on the vampyre's coffin to prevent it from waking up when Drezel escapes. Talk to Drezel once more time to let him know that it is safe for him to escape now. He thanks you and tells you to meet him in the mausoleum, past the well room.
Purifying the river[]
The zamorakians have indeed done foul deeds to the river to make it impure through the well. The whole river is in danger to become polluted by foul a potion. It needs to be drained before it is too late. Give Drezel 50 noted rune essence to drain the evil power from the river and prevent its corruption. He will reward you with the Wolfbane, a weapon useful for killing canine mobs.