Minescape Wiki
Minescape Wiki

There are different ways to teleport throughout all of Minescape. You can use Magic or teleport tablets created through Construction.

Teleport spells[]

Spell Level XP Location Runes

Home teleport

Home teleport 1 0 None

Teleport to Lumbridge

Teleport to Lumbridge 10 6 -337 / 69 / 180

Teleport to Varrock

Teleport to Varrock 25 13 -368 / 70 / -454

Teleport to Island

Teleport to Island 40 10

Teleport to Camelot's castle

Teleport to Camelot's castle 45 18 -1739 / 69 / -631

Teleport to Edgeville

Teleport to Edgeville 48 18 -752 / 69 / -665

Teleport to Falador

Teleport to Falador 55 21 -1124 / 69 / -306

Teleport to Taverley

Teleport to Taverley 60 22 -1372 / 78 / -440

Teleport to Canifis

Teleport to Canifis 70 25 489 / 73 / -634

Teleport to Entrana

Teleport to Entrana 80 28

Teleport to Crandor

Teleport to Crandor 85 30

Teleport Tablets[]

These are an item that you can make through Construction or purchase from the Grand Exchange.

Teleport spells[]

Tablet Level XP Location Runes

Teleport to Lumbridge tablet

Teleport to Lumbridge tablet 10 6 -337 / 69 / 180

Teleport to Varrock tablet

Teleport to Varrock tablet 25 13 -368 / 70 / -454

Teleport to Island tablet

Teleport to Island tablet 40 10

Teleport to Camelot's castle tablet

Teleport to Camelot's castle tablet 45 18 -1739 / 69 / -631

Teleport to Edgeville tablet

Teleport to Edgeville tablet 48 18 -752 / 69 / -665

Teleport to Falador tablet

Teleport to Falador tablet 55 21 -1124 / 69 / -306

Teleport to Taverley tablet

Teleport to Taverley tablet 60 22 -1372 / 78 / -440

No image

Teleport to Watch Tower tablet 65 25

Teleport to Canifis tablet

Teleport to Canifis tablet 70 25 489 / 73 / -634

Teleport to Entrana tablet

Teleport to Entrana tablet 80 28

Teleport to Crandor tablet

Teleport to Crandor tablet 85 30